The Artist at Work
Being a creative person in the corporate world can be tough. Each Tuesday, join longtime friends and collaborators Angie Trigilio and Emily Sandberg as they talk about how to strike a healthy balance between nurturing your artistic side and hustling at your full-time gig - with humor, candor and real-world advice.If you work in a creative career, have a creative soul or are just looking to feel understood in a workplace that you don’t feel gets you creatively, this podcast is for you.
36 episodes
34. Let's get meta: Podcasting about podcasts
Coming at you a day late this week, we're here to chat about podcasting, now that we're basically old pros (we aren't). Cliffs Notes: Our origin story (again); the awkwardness of the earliest days; tools and processes on a tiny budget; the soci...

33. Please welcome Catherine Saunders to the pod!
This week we're thrilled to share our conversation with Catherine Saunders from All the Best. We cover confidence, growing up with (and into) creativity, the weirdness of social media, the blissfulness of st...

32. How do you talk about what you do?: An exercise in value propositions
Cliffs Notes: Continuing our redefinition tour; how to communicate what you do, and how that's different from the other people who do it; how your value prop evolves along with you and your career; audience, audience, audience; selling your val...

31. How bad is being "bored," really?
Cliffs Notes: Reframing the bad feelings around being "bored"; untangling boredom and guilt from one another; allowing yourself space to protect yourself when big things do come along; rethinking how to use down time; misidentifying bo...

30. The scam of "professionalism"
Cliffs Notes: The elitism and exclusivity of our concept of "professionalism" and how it's (maybe?) evolving; emotional sweatsuits and Northwestern ones; getting in trouble for whatever being "too authentic" is; the necessity of sillin...

29. Please welcome Kristen Becker to the pod!
Join us for a conversation with Kristen Becker, Angie's college pal and a career creative based just outside of Cincinnati. Kristen takes us through her career as an artist - from corporate to freelance - and shares tons of advice about what to...

28. The Sliding Doors episode
Cliffs Notes: What would you be doing if you weren't doing whatever this is? Creativity always finding you, and vice versa; situational praise; high school accomplishments not being the best indicator of how you'll grow up (imagin...

27. "Strong" isn't good, "weak" isn't bad: Reframing strengths and weaknesses
Cliffs Notes: Reframing a gross narrative about craving "power" and "strength" at the expense of others' comfort and safety; "weakness" not being inherently bad; moving past fairytales; the beauty of embracing the gray; ~*~*stop the tape to wri...

26. The seven questions of highly effective collaborators. Or something.
Cliffs Notes: Missing (or not missing) "traditional" teamwork as we've gone remote or gone solo; mistaking fear of collaboration with pride; making sure everyone has enough of their own lane to work in; our collaborative gifts; working together...

25. Advice about advice
Cliffs Notes: The worst career advice we've gotten, "one size fits all" doesn't fit anyone, corporate Band-Aids, situational vs. strategic advice, returning the gift to the feedback store, bad advice we have given on this very podcast<...

24. Please welcome Adam Sonnett to the pod!
This week we're chatting with Adam Sonnett, President of Openfield and Angie's college bud. We'll cover what edtech even is, the different directions your degree can take you, bumps along your career path (and forks in the ro...

23. A deep dive on motivators
Cliffs Notes: Nine types of motivators, being motivated by guilt and fear, external vs. internal motivation, being left alone, trusting adults to act like adults, the best form of collaboration there is, setting team members up for success, rec...

22. Resources that are *not* social media
Cliffs Notes: A quick chat about specific resources – not Instagram accounts or Facebook groups or LinkedIn connections – that we've found pretty useful both recently and over our careers. What we consume that helps us to create; specific podca...

21. Our ups and downs with social media
Cliffs Notes: Looking at our history with social media use, starting with reflections on SXSW; being deliberate about channel use; slideshow parties from another era; social media for business and networking; celebrating a birthday on LinkedIn;...

20. Please welcome Maureen Boyle to the pod!
An action-packed, advice-filled convo with Angie and Emily's former boss and current friend, Maureen Boyle. Learn how she built an impressive career in marketing after a serendipitous parental mandate, how she leads teams, what makes a good bra...

19. Quick tips for getting yourself creatively unstuck
*Micro Machines voice* We've got a shorty for you this week, so listen at half speed if you want to savor it. (We also talk pretty fast to get it all in.) We're talking about the tips and tricks we use when we're in creative ruts or having trou...

18. Please welcome Anne Wynter to the pod!
Cliffs Notes: It's our second-ever guest, writer Anne Wynter. Get insights on The Artist's Way, Anne's journey as a forever learner and content creator for a wide cut of audiences, working in the theater scene, the actual processes behind writi...

What even IS career coaching? A Solo Mini Cast from Angie
Let’s support Austin! Central Texas Food Bank (Emily's donation page)

17. Speed round: Tools we love
Cliffs Notes: Quick recommendations of 12 tools we love to help us work more efficiently and effectively - especially in a weird time. (We're not gonna give them away in the show notes.) Bonus: What we've learned *doesn't* work for us. Wh...

16. You've gotta have friends
Cliffs Notes: Celebrating our friendships for Valentine's Day, a nod to Marilu Henner, our origin story, giving new acquaintances the straight story, starting a job and going all in, work friends as sports teammates, the tools we use to keep ou...

15. Please welcome Jake Williams to the pod!
Cliffs Notes: Welcome our first guest: animator, illustrator and all-around Good Guy, Jake Williams. We cover his career path from corporate to sole proprietor, what an explainer video is, the joy of a good client reaction, what the motion grap...

14. That time we talked about time
Cliffs Notes: Talking about how we spend, protect and even waste our time. Tricks to be better at using it, meeting-free days, routines, being better at saying no, quarantine affecting how we use our time, being direct as a polite timesaver, se...

13. Typecasting, or: 20 minutes of fawning over the Enneagram
Cliffs Notes: Being a Carrie vs. being a Samantha, being the first people who’ve ever discovered the Enneagram, a brief rundown of types, understanding what yours is (and that it might be wrong at first), being embarrassed by truth, Emily’s Boo...

12. Being your own best advocate... absent the assholery
Cliffs Notes: Building networks, getting by with a little help from your contacts, the awkward exercise of self reviewing, what (and who) to post on LinkedIn, the weirdness of establishing social media boundaries, injectable influencers, experi...

11: Thoughts on communities (not the textbook)
Cliffs Notes: The power of community for *everyone*, a nice note from a good pal, creating community as a party of one, connecting with strangers via social media, an unpaid plug for Creative Mornings, choosing your level of participation, also...