The Artist at Work
The Artist at Work
31. How bad is being "bored," really?
Cliffs Notes: Reframing the bad feelings around being "bored"; untangling boredom and guilt from one another; allowing yourself space to protect yourself when big things do come along; rethinking how to use down time; misidentifying boredom/silence/anxiety/distraction; being OK with our discomfort in silence; an emotional guidance scale we can all use; one of us being totally unable to access the word "fulcrum" for a very uncomfortable several seconds; the inherent luxury of boredom; permission to play, the past year doing a number on us and craving more slowness than ever.
PLUS: A lil' call to action at the end. Maybe we host a little happy hour or Zoom event or Clubhouse thing or whatever where we convene the small community of our listeners to talk, together, in real time (gasp) about being bored. What do you think? Let us know on Instagram: https://instagram.com/artistatworkpod